Oak Tree Animal Hospital in Tampa FL
is always willing to handle anyone’s pet emergency. We also recognize that we cannot be available 24/7 and at times, an emergency animal hospital referral may be needed. At Oak Tree Animal Hospital-Tampa, we have our clients best interests at heart, both from a purely veterinary medical aspect and also a financial concern. We want our clients to be able to have the best veterinary medical and surgical care possible for their pets, but we also don’t want them to have to incur any unneeded expense, either. We still take responsibility for answering our phone when we are closed. We also take responsibility for our patients that are treated and then discharged and even provide a phone for the client to call, if necessary.
However, when the time arrives, that one of our patients needs significant care and monitoring, we will refer the patient.
1. Blue Pearl Specialty and Emergency Medicine for Pets – (813) 933-8944
3000 Busch Lake Blvd
Tampa, Florida 33614
Fax: 813.936.9595
Email Address:info.fl@bluepearlvet.com
Website: http://florida.bluepearlvet.com/overview/tampa/
2. Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service – (813) 625-4043
238 E Bearss Ave
Tampa, FL 33613
Fax: 813-962-4477
Email: Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service
Website: http://tbves.com/contact-us.html
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